Sunday, June 17, 2012


A Reflection on the “Hymn of Origins”
Have you ever wondered? Why you are reading now? Why are there letters in this essay?  Where did it come from? Whose thought it is from? Whose womb the handsome author of this paper was carried? Aren’t you curious? Well, I am curious, too. Three subjects came to my mind while reading the poem: Searching, Family and Love.
When we try to know where things came from, we are willing to search for its origin.  Searching is to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something. Through this process we can see the real cause, the ultimate cause why things happen or why do we exist or why are we like these right now. To search for yourself, search first for your past. See how you acted upon circumstances in the past. See what you have done well or bad in the past. Because of this commemoration of the past, a person will be able to correct those mistakes in the present.
Family and Love are correlative. These two are factors that would guide a person to seek for him and to learn why he reached the spot where he is present. These two are the great factors that affect the person’s search for himself. Without these two, a person will be in a great danger of distraction. Distracted to see the truth and eyes-blurred to see the beauty of life.  Instead, he must be grateful for the help, support and the guidance given by the people who love him. Without them, he lacks something.
Man, himself, is the only one who can help himself. The factors mentioned were just to enhance and to guide the person to learn his origin. Therefore, we are the only ones who make our own destiny, the destiny to be HAPPY!
What about you? Do you wonder why you are like that right now? 

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